Understanding config.xml

The config.xml file stores everything a Kindle needs to know about a WAF, this page goes over the format and specification of such a file.

Here is the Kindle store’s XML file for convenience:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<widget id="com.lab126.store" version="1.0" viewmodes="application" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"
    <name xml:lang="en">Kindle Store</name>
    <description xml:lang="en">Amazon Kindle Store</description>

    <name xml:lang="de">Kindle-Shop</name>
    <description xml:lang="de">Amazon Kindle-Shop</description>

    <name xml:lang="fr">Boutique Kindle</name>
    <description xml:lang="fr">Amazon Boutique Kindle</description>

    <name xml:lang="it">Kindle Store</name>
    <description xml:lang="it">Amazon Kindle Store</description>

    <name xml:lang="en-GB">Kindle Store</name>
    <description xml:lang="en-GB">Amazon Kindle Store</description>

    <name xml:lang="pt">Loja Kindle</name>
    <description xml:lang="pt">Amazon Loja Kindle</description>

    <name xml:lang="es">Tienda Kindle</name>
    <description xml:lang="es">Amazon Tienda Kindle</description>

    <name xml:lang="ja">Kindle&#12473;&#12488;&#12450;</name>
    <description xml:lang="ja">Amazon Kindle&#12473;&#12488;&#12450;</description>

    <name xml:lang="zh">Kindle&#32593;&#24215;</name>
    <description xml:lang="zh">Amazon Kindle&#32593;&#24215;</description>

    <content src="index.html" />

    <!-- App Configuration -->
    <!-- Reqeust for localhost access permission -->
        <kindle:permission name="local-port-access" />

    <!-- request for HTTP headers -->
        <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://device-type" />
        <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://sw-version" />
        <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://pretty-sw-version" />
        <kindle:asset key="http-header" value="kindle://transport-method" />
        <kindle:asset key="http-header" value="kindle://country-code" />
        <kindle:asset key="initialDNS" value="false" />
        <kindle:asset key="maxConnections" value="6" />
        <kindle:asset key="maxConnectionsPerHost" value="2" />
        <kindle:asset key="maxConnectionsPerProxy" value="6" />
        <kindle:asset key="overrideProxy" value="none" />
        <kindle:asset key="enableCaching" value="false" />
        <!-- Example of how to override the 3G proxy settings -->
        <!-- <kindle:asset key="overrideProxy" value="http://kindle-proxy-preprod.amazon.com" /> -->

    <!-- request for persistent cookie jar with x-main & x-fsn pre loaded -->
        <kindle:asset key="persistent" value="true" />
        <kindle:asset key="usePrivateCookies" value="false" />
        <kindle:asset key="useDeviceCookies" value="true" />
        <kindle:asset key="useAccessToken" value="true" />

    <!-- request for persistent chrome -->
        <kindle:asset key="configureSearchBar" value="system" />

        <kindle:param name="tap" value="yes" properties="fire_on_tap:1 max_updown_delta:0" />
        <kindle:param name="swipe" value="yes" />

    <!-- features are used to control the JS API that will be available to a waf application. -->
    <feature name="http://kindle.amazon.com/apis" required="true">
        <param name="appmgr" value="yes" />
        <param name="net" value="yes" />
        <param name="todo" value="yes" />
        <param name="gestures" value="yes" />
        <param name="chrome" value="yes" />
        <param name="dev" value="yes" />
        <param name="dconfig" value="yes" />
        <param name="download" value="yes" />
        <param name="messaging" value="yes" />
        <param name="uitest" value="yes" />
        <param name="popup" value="yes" />
        <param name="bkgrnd" value="yes" />
        <param name="localprefs" value="yes" />
        <param name="device" value="yes" />
        <param name="winmgrUtils" value="yes" />
        <param name="bluetooth" value="yes" />

        <kindle:app name="com.lab126.pillow" value="yes" />
        <kindle:app name="com.lab126.chromebar" value="yes" />
        <kindle:app name="com.lab126.readnow" value="yes" />

        <kindle:asset key="jquery" value="js/jquery.js" />
        <kindle:asset key="sprite_v1" value="js/sprite_v1.js" />
        <kindle:asset key="AllowHTTPSApplicationManifestCrossDomain" value="true" />
        <kindle:asset key="ApplicationCachePath" value="/var/local/mesquite/store/resource/appcache" />
        <kindle:asset key="ApplicationCacheLoadDelay" value="6.0" />
        <kindle:asset key="LocalStorageQuota" value="26214400" />
        <!-- Other available settings are
        LocalStorageQuota ( set the max size of the local storage DB)
        ocalStoragePath ( sets where the local storage DB is saved )
        DatabaseStorageQuota ( set the html5 sqlite db quota)
        DatabaseStoragePath ( set where the html5 sqlite db is stored)
        ApplicationCacheQuota ( sets a max size of the application cache) -->

        <kindle:setting name="internetRequired" value="yes" />
        <!-- application is saving context on pause so platform shouldn't -->
        <kindle:setting name="saveContext" value="no" />
        <kindle:setting name="disable-wua-features" value="yes" />


Yes, it’s quite complex, let’s break it down:

The header

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<widget id="com.lab126.store" version="1.0" viewmodes="application" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"

This section is quite simple, it tells the Kindle the id of the WAF (com.lab126.store) and the viewmode of the WAF (currently unknown other than application)

The id, like Mesquito IDs, can be any unique “Java-like namespace”.


<name xml:lang="en">Kindle Store</name>
<description xml:lang="en">Amazon Kindle Store</description>

<name xml:lang="de">Kindle-Shop</name>
<description xml:lang="de">Amazon Kindle-Shop</description>

<name xml:lang="ja">Kindle&#12473;&#12488;&#12450;</name>
<description xml:lang="ja">Amazon Kindle&#12473;&#12488;&#12450;</description>

This section serves to show the name and description of the WAF on the Kindle’s UI… somewhere It supports an xml:lang attribute which allows for localisation. It also allows for the use of unicode characters, as shown

The “Payload”

<content src="index.html" />

This is a single tag which tells the Kindle which file to load when the WAF is loaded. In this case, it’ll be the store’s index.html file


<!-- App Configuration -->
<!-- Reqeust for localhost access permission -->
    <kindle:permission name="local-port-access" />

Yes, that spelling mistake is indeed in the firmware

This tag serves to request certain special permissions from the Kindle, below is a list of all known permissions:

Permission Name Description
local-port-access Allows the WAF to access localhost (mainly just the DB interface on port 9101)
download-allowed Allows the WAF to download files to the Kindle’s documents folder


<!-- request for HTTP headers -->
    <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://device-type" />
    <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://sw-version" />
    <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://pretty-sw-version" />
    <kindle:asset key="http-header" value="kindle://transport-method" />
    <kindle:asset key="http-header" value="kindle://country-code" />
    <kindle:asset key="initialDNS" value="false" />
    <kindle:asset key="maxConnections" value="6" />
    <kindle:asset key="maxConnectionsPerHost" value="2" />
    <kindle:asset key="maxConnectionsPerProxy" value="6" />
    <kindle:asset key="overrideProxy" value="none" />
    <kindle:asset key="enableCaching" value="false" />
    <!-- Example of how to override the 3G proxy settings -->
    <!-- <kindle:asset key="overrideProxy" value="http://kindle-proxy-preprod.amazon.com" /> -->

Other example from audibleupsell WAF:

<!-- App Configuration -->
<!-- request for HTTP headers -->
    <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://device-type" />
    <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="kindle://sw-version" />
    <kindle:asset key="http-header" value="kindle://transport-method"/>
    <kindle:asset key="http-header" value="kindle://country-code"/>
    <kindle:asset key="enableCaching" value="false" />
    <kindle:errorPage src="../shared/audibleupsell_error.html" />

Other example from browser WAF:

    <kindle:asset key="user-agent" value="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux armv7l like Android; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.2+ Kindle/3.0+" />
    <kindle:asset key="enableWrsProxy" value="true" />        
    <kindle:asset key="allowTlsFallback" value="true" />

This section appears to handle Kindle networking, allowing you to set proxy overrides for a specific WAF, network headers, as well as setting an errorPage for when loads fail.

enableCaching does not appear to handle the actual caching of the WAF itself


<!-- request for persistent cookie jar with x-main & x-fsn pre loaded -->
    <kindle:asset key="persistent" value="true" />
    <kindle:asset key="usePrivateCookies" value="false" />
    <kindle:asset key="useDeviceCookies" value="true" />
    <kindle:asset key="useAccessToken" value="true" />


<!-- request for persistent chrome -->
    <kindle:asset key="configureSearchBar" value="system" />

It is currently unclear what this does exactly, known values for configureSearchBar are "system" and "none"


    <kindle:param name="tap" value="yes" properties="fire_on_tap:1 max_updown_delta:0" />
    <kindle:param name="swipe" value="yes" />

Other example from browser WAF:

    <kindle:param name="drag" value="yes"/>
    <kindle:param name="pinchzoom" value="yes" properties="fire-on-zoom:1"/>
    <kindle:param name="tap" value="yes"/>
    <kindle:param name="multi_tap" value="yes"/>
    <kindle:param name="hold" value="yes"/>

Seems to be related to the gesture API of the kindle object (See The Kindle Object)


<feature name="http://kindle.amazon.com/apis" required="true">
    <param name="appmgr" value="yes" />
    <param name="net" value="yes" />
    <param name="todo" value="yes" />
    <param name="gestures" value="yes" />
    <param name="chrome" value="yes" />
    <param name="dev" value="yes" />
    <param name="dconfig" value="yes" />
    <param name="download" value="yes" />
    <param name="messaging" value="yes" />
    <param name="uitest" value="yes" />
    <param name="popup" value="yes" />
    <param name="bkgrnd" value="yes" />
    <param name="localprefs" value="yes" />
    <param name="device" value="yes" />
    <param name="winmgrUtils" value="yes" />
    <param name="bluetooth" value="yes" />

Enables/Disables specific APIs available to the kindle object


    <kindle:app name="com.lab126.pillow" value="yes" />
    <kindle:app name="com.lab126.chromebar" value="yes" />
    <kindle:app name="com.lab126.readnow" value="yes" />

Acts as a whitelist to which lipc services can be called by kindle.messaging


    <kindle:asset key="jquery" value="js/jquery.js" />
    <kindle:asset key="sprite_v1" value="js/sprite_v1.js" />
    <kindle:asset key="AllowHTTPSApplicationManifestCrossDomain" value="true" />
    <kindle:asset key="ApplicationCachePath" value="/var/local/mesquite/store/resource/appcache" />
    <kindle:asset key="ApplicationCacheLoadDelay" value="6.0" />
    <kindle:asset key="LocalStorageQuota" value="26214400" />
    <!-- Other available settings are
    LocalStorageQuota ( set the max size of the local storage DB)
    ocalStoragePath ( sets where the local storage DB is saved )
    DatabaseStorageQuota ( set the html5 sqlite db quota)
    DatabaseStoragePath ( set where the html5 sqlite db is stored)
    ApplicationCacheQuota ( sets a max size of the application cache) -->

This seems to handle the caching of WAFs as well as quotas for localStorage


    <kindle:setting name="internetRequired" value="yes" />
    <!-- application is saving context on pause so platform shouldn't -->
    <kindle:setting name="saveContext" value="no" />
    <kindle:setting name="disable-wua-features" value="yes" />

Other example from browser WAF:

    <kindle:setting name="defaultFontSize" value="6"/>
    <kindle:setting name="defaultFontSize300" value="6"/>
    <kindle:setting name="defaultFontSize212" value="9"/>
    <kindle:setting name="defaultFontSize167" value="9"/>
    <kindle:setting name="zoomFactor" value="8.0"/>
    <kindle:setting name="minimumFontSize" value="0"/>
    <kindle:setting name="flattenFrames" value="yes"/> 
    <kindle:setting name="debug" value="no"/>

Other example from payment WAF:

    <kindle:setting name="internetRequired" value="yes"/>
    <kindle:setting name="saveContext" value="no" />
    <kindle:setting name="minimumFontSize" value="0"/>
    <kindle:setting name="enforce96DPI" value="yes"/>
    <kindle:setting name="zoomFactor" value="8.0"/>
    <kindle:setting name="flattenFrames" value="yes"/>
    <kindle:setting name="enableW3CStd" value="yes" />

This handles certain settings for the WAF

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