Mesquito SDK

All apps that use waf: true MUST have the following lines in their head:

<script src="file:///mnt/us/mesquito/polyfill.min.js"></script>
<script src="file:///mnt/us/mesquito/sdk.js"></script>

The polyfill.min.js allows you to use somewhat modern web features in your app. Whilst the sdk.js allows you to utilise Mesquito’s SDK and access special Kindle JS functions. It is also important to set a title for your app in HTML so that it appears in the title bar.

If your app does not use Mesquito-specific features, it is recommented you instead use KWebBrew’s files so that the app can function on both Mesquito and KWebBrew (as Mesquito is backwards-compatible with KWebBrew apps)

Simply add the following to your head instead:

<script src="file:///mnt/us/kwebbrew/polyfill.min.js"></script>
<script src="file:///mnt/us/kwebbrew/sdk.js"></script>

SDK Functionality

The Mesquito SDK exposes the kindle object so that it can be invoked directly in scripts as so:

kindle.appmgr.start("com.lab126.booklet.home"); // "launches" the home app (just goes home)

For more information, see the WAF SDK documentation.

Additionally, the Mesquito SDK exposes some useful functions:


fetchFile(url, timeout=2000, fixKindleFormatting=true)

This function returns the contents of a file as a string given a url, such as file:///mnt/us/apps/com.bluebotlaboratories.kchess/manifest.json. It should, in theory, work an all text-based filetypes, but will NOT work on binary formats.

Parameter Default Value Description
url   The URL of the file to obtain
timeout 2000 The amount of time to wait until deleting the iframe from DOM
fixKindleFormatting true Needed for local files, whether to fix the formatting the Kindle applies to local files or not



This function is similar to fetchFile and works in almost the same way. Except it fetches the contents of a directory as an object. The location parameter, despite its name, is just a url, ie: file:///mnt/us/ (despite being a url, it will only work with local folders)

Example Output:

        "name": "documents",
        "path": "file:///mnt/us/documents/"
        "name": "apps",
        "path": "file:///mnt/us/apps/"
        "name": "mesquito",
        "path": "file:///mnt/us/mesquito/"
        "name": "log.txt",
        "path": "file:///mnt/us/log.txt"
Parameter Default Value Description
location   The URL of the folder to list



Taking no arguments, it returns an object representing the GET parameters of the current location. IE, the location:


would return:

    "entrypoint": "hello",
    "launch": "false"


joinPaths(path1, path2)

Given two paths, joins them together.

IE: Given /test/ and ./hello

Parameter Default Value Description
path1   The first path to join
path2   The second path to join


The window.mesquito object holds useful helper functions to the kindle API



This reloads the navbar, updating its contents, useful when updating the available menuItems


window.mesquito.menuItems = [
        id: "CHESS_RELOAD",
        state: "enabled",
        label: "Reload Game"
        id: "DIVIDE_ZERO",
        state: "enabled",
        label: "Divide By Zero"

This serves as an object which allows your app to add custom menu items to the Kindle’s menu (under the three dots).

As mentioned earlier, window.mesquito.updateNavigation() must be called to update the actual state of the navbar.


window.mesquito.onKindleButton = function(buttonType, buttonID) {

This is a function which can be overriden by your app to handle menu item button presses. the buttonID parameter will be equal to whatever id you set the button to, ie: DIVIDE_ZERO or CHESS_RELOAD. The buttonType parameter is used to differenciate between menu buttons (systemMenuItemSelected) and navbar buttons (TBA) and can be ignored.

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