WAFs & Mesquite

WAFs are Kindle “applications”, which similar to Mesquito or KWebBrew applications, are really just webapps in fancy wrappers.

WAFs should be placed in /opt/var/local/mesquite, in its own folder, such as:


For example, lets examine the Kindle store’s folder structure:

│   config.xml
│   config_bellatrix.xml
│   config_duet.xml
│   config_heisenberg.xml
│   config_rex.xml
│   config_wario.xml
│   config_yoshi.xml
│   config_yoshime3.xml
│   config_zelda.xml
│   index.html
│   privateCookies
│   store.js
│       spinner.gif
│       jquery.js
│       sprite_v1.js
│       sprite_v2.js
│   ├───de
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───en-GB
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───es
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───fr
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───it
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───ja
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───nl
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───pt
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   ├───ru
│   │   └───strings
│   │           strings.js
│   │
│   └───zh
│       └───strings
│               strings.js

Most of the files are just dependencies used by the store, lets filter it down to whats interesting to us:

│   config.xml
│   config_bellatrix.xml
│   config_duet.xml
│   config_heisenberg.xml
│   config_rex.xml
│   config_wario.xml
│   config_yoshi.xml
│   config_yoshime3.xml
│   config_zelda.xml
│   index.html
│   privateCookies
│   store.js
│       spinner.gif
│       jquery.js
│       sprite_v1.js
│       sprite_v2.js
│   └───en-GB
│       └───strings
│               strings.js

All WAFs have a config.xml file, which gives the Kindle the metadata which it needs to launch the WAF.

Additionally, notice the strings folder, whilst not required, Amazon has a standardized localisation method of using strings.js files in strings folders for each locale (ie: the locales folder).

More information on these is available in the sub-pages of this section.

Table of contents

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