The Manifest File

The manifest file holds all the information which Mesquito uses to identify the app, it should follow the following format:

  "minVersion": 1,
  "manifestVersion": 2,
  "appVersion": "v0.1.0",
  "waf": false,
  "id": "com.bluebotlaboratories.kchess",
  "name": "KChess",
  "author": "Bluebotlaboratories",
  "description": "Chess on a Kindle!",
  "repo": "",
  "icon": "icon.jpg",
  "entrypoint": "index.html"

Key Explanation

Here’s a quick explanation of what everything does:

Key Description
minVersion The minimum KWebBrew version required to run
manifestVerion The version of the manifest
appVersion The version string of the app, it can be anything but it is recommended that you stick to the semver standard
waf Set this to true if you are using Mesquito-specific or WAF-specific features.
id The app’s identifier (MUST MATCH FOLDERNAME, BE LOWERCASE and in that format)
name The display name of the app
author The author of the app
description A short description of the app
repo A link to the repository or mobileread thread
icon The name of the icon file in the app’s directory
entrypoint The name of the main app file in the app’s directory

Version Info

The current latest Mesquito version number (for minVersion) is: 2
For historic reference, previous minimum version numbers were:

Version Number Mesquito Version
2 v1.0.0

The current latest manifest version number (for manifestVersion) is: 2
For historic reference, previous manifest version numbers were:

Version Number Mesquito Version
2 v1.0.0

Manifest changelog


  • Added WAF key (Must be true if you are using Mesquito features)
  • Added version keys
  • Added id key

The Mesquito SDK

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