
KindleBreak is jailbreak utilising the KindleDrip webkit exploit.


  • Please check that your Kindle is compatible with KindleBreak
  • You will also need a PC

KindleBreak will NOT work on firmware

Jailbreaking Your Kindle

  1. On your Kindle, enable Airplane Mode if it isn’t already on
  2. Download MD5: 0215C36CC1E3AD8136A67DAEBE369452
  3. Plug your Kindle into your computer
  4. Extract the file to the root of your Kindle as so: jb, and other files next to the documents folder
  5. Download file__0.localstorage
  6. Place it in the following folder in your Kindle: /.active_content_sandbox/browser/resource/LocalStorage/ (create the folders if they aren’t already there, replace the existing file)
  7. Eject and unplug your Kindle
  8. Open the Experimental Browser of the Kindle
  9. The browser should freeze, crash and then after some time (up to 5 minutes) the Kindle will reboot. After this, it should show an error popup with the message Application Error or Collecting Debug Info
  10. The device is now in a jailbroken state

You are now ready to check the Post Jailbreak section for what to do now.

Post Jailbreak


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