
Kindle’s use an internal system known as ToDo to handle communication with Amazon. This is used for downloading books, updating screensavers*, updating the store, telemetry, etc.



This sends a series of items via a string argument in the required XML format (described below)

Todo Document Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <item priority="1" type="WISHLIST" action="REFRESH" key="DUMMY" is_incremental="false" sequence="0"></item>

This XML format dictates the TODO action via the type and action parameters, this is known as the contentId. The contentId is in the format action.type, so in this case, it would be REFRESH.WISHLIST. All TODO items have a priority and a key attribute, however, all other attributes are arbritary and are simply passed to the handler.


Name Value Dscription
priority 1 An integer which dictates the priority of a TODO item
type WISHLIST What type of action to perform
action REFRESH The action to perform
key DUMMY A string used to uniquely identify the TODO item, can also be used by the handler or simply be “DUMMY”

A list of valid todo documents will be made in the future, more research is required.

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