Popcorn is quite a sophisticated jailbreak method and requires prior electronics experience. It is not recommended to use Popcorn unless you have prior electronics experience especially if a software jailbreak such as WatchThis is available for it.

Make sure you have followed the initial Popcorn instructions

Performing the Jailbreak

  1. Tear down the PW2 up to step 4 as described here (DO NOT remove the battery)
  2. Connect a wire between right pad of the CR501 to TP508 as shown in this picture (ignore the additional wires): Jumpers
  3. Whilst those points are connected, hard reboot the Kindle by holding down the power button for 15 seconds
  4. Plug the Kindle into your PC

If everything went well, the device is now in SDP Mode and ready to be flashed


On Windows, simply locate the folder you extracted earlier, double click on MFGTool.exe to run it and then click on Start and wait for it to complete.

You are now ready to check the Post Jailbreak section for what to do now.

Post Jailbreak


On Linux, open a new terminal and navigate to the folder which contains the folder named imx_usb_loader

If you run ls it should show the imx_usb_loader folder, run the following command:

sudo imx_usb -c imx_usb_loader/wario

And wait for it to complete.

You are now ready to check the Post Jailbreak section for what to do now.

Post Jailbreak


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