Awesome Window Manager

As mentioned in the gtk-tutorial, the Kindle uses the Awesome Window Manager with some tweaks, this means that every window must have a title which follows a specific format.

For example, the Kindle store has a window title of:

Window titles are actually a key-value store, seperated by an _ character, this means the above title, would translate roughly to pseudo-JSON as:


Below is a list of every key and what it’s role is:


The L flag is what layer the window should display on, it can be one of 5 values:

Value Description
A The APP layer
C The CHROME layer
D The DIALOG layer
KB The KB (keyboard) layer

Layers are displayed from top to bottom, with applications on the SCREENSAVER layer being above applications on the APP layer.

Generally you will only be using the A and D layer values.


lab126 internally refers to this as the “name/role” of the window, in reality it only represents the role of the window, and should be one of the listed values:

Value Description
application For use with the A layer, application windows
dialog For use with the D layer, dialog windows
titlebar For backwards compatability,
tiledBottom [SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION - lab_126.application_layer.lua:255]
searchResult For use with the C layer, seemingly used for search result displays, acts as a modified dialog
pillowAlert An alert created by Pillow, for use with the D layer, blocks the home button
topBar Seemingly used for custom search bar apps (use with BARTYPE parameter)
bottomBar REDUNDANT - use topBar role with BARTYPE of B
appToolBar REDUNDANT - use topBar role with BARTYPE of A
keyboard Used by the Kindle’s keyboard
searchBar Used by the Kindle’s top bar

You will generally only use application and dialog for this, in conjunction with the A and D layers

[PC] (Persistent Chrome)

Used by the window manager to determine how to handle displaying chrome elements on the Kindle such as the top bar and “search bar”
It’s value is any combination of the following:

Value Description Example
T Show the Kindle top bar/status bar on modern firmware
S Shows the “search bar”
B Shows the legacy bottom bar
N Show no bars (same as if PC was ommited entirely)

Examples of combining multiple PC values:

Value Image

Window resizing appears to be broken in TSB, it is only shown for illustrative purposes and shouldn’t be used

[ID] (Identifier)

This is a simple string giving the identifier of the app, it’s value can be anything not containing an underscore (as that is used as a delimiter) and it usually takes an app ID in a format similar to com.lab126.reader (reverse domain name)

Note that the value blankBackground is reserved, it’s purpose is currently unknown but it makes an app invalid


BARTYPE is used with thetopBar role type, it describes the bar’s positioning and takes one of the following values:

Value Description
T Top bar type
S Search bar type
B Bottom bar type - “added for kpp chrome footer” - It behaves like top bars in terms of persistence
A Application bar type - Secondary bar for application specific tools

[O]rientation - Supported App Orientations

Sets the application’s orientation mask for supported orientations, can be any combination of 4 values (IE: ULR or UDLR):

Value Description
U Up
D Down
L Left
R Right


A flag that can be set to hide the window, the title can be updated without it to show the window



Note that this flag can take an optional value of background which means this window does not take focus. (actual purpose unknown)

[RC] - Rounded Corners

For use with dialogs, can be used to set rounded corners on a dialog, it can be used as a flag or given an integer value representing the corner radius in pixels of all the corners.

It can also be given the value custom, where any combination of the following 4 keys can be used to set a corner radius for the window:

  • RCTL
  • RCTR
  • RCBL
  • RCBR

Example, setting rounded corners only on the top-left and top-right corners to the default rounded corner radius:



Used specifically for dialogs, if this flag is present, it dictates the dialog is a modal. It can have an optional value of dismissible, ie:


[RKB] - Require KeyBoard

Used specifically for dialogs that require the keyboard, this positions the dialog so that it does not clip with the spawned keyboard. It can seemingly take a numeric value of unknown purpose.

[PALMR] - Palm Rejection

Purpose unknown - only used in conjunction with M:dismissable, seemingly related to palm rejection on dismissal

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